Monday, March 30, 2009

The cruising boat terminals

Cruises from Helsinki to Stockholm and to Tallinn in Estonia are very popular. On our seaside promenade we have reached the first of the big cruisers, more like luxury boozers really, that are trafficing between Helsinki and Stockholm every few days.

Behind this statue, representing the working people, the first cruiser Silja Serenade has already departed towards Sweden.

Here it's about to pass Viking line's Gabriella, which has it's terminal on the other side of the harbour and is still waiting for departure about half an hour later but also headed for Stockholm.
The white house with the green roof on that little island belongs to the Helsinki sailing club and is a restaurant.


  1. To my shame I do not know much about Finland. For me the Finnish language looks awfully complicated. I speak German, French and also some Italian but I don't think I could master Finnish, or is it just in my mind? I like to come and see more of your country, the harbour looks beautiful and I guess the cruises are good business. Finnish music...since my childhood I know Sibelius and I love his music. So I am looking forward to see and learn more of your beautiful country. Thank you for your visit and comment.

  2. Kovin on kotoisan näköistä. Siitä on aikaa kun olen viimeksi mennyt noilla. Ehkä kesällä voisi yrittää. Kiitos inspiraatiosta!

  3. Great to discover your new blog. I have only visited Helsinki once, in September (via Silja line from Stockholm), so it'll be great to see it year-round here.

  4. I’m inspired with the surpassing and preachy listing that you furnish in such little timing.


Thankyou for taking the time to come and visit.